26 September 2023

Old classic cars on road to better registration

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Classic car enthusiasts are to benefit from improvements made to the Territory’s Vintage, Veteran and Historic (VVH) Vehicle registration scheme.

Announcing the changes, Minister for Transport and City Services, Chris Steel said the updated scheme would now be available to more vehicles and would give owners greater flexibility on driving limits.

“Canberra has a passionate community of car lovers with around 2,400 vehicles currently registered under the VVH arrangements, with more types of vehicles to be included under the scheme we’re sure to see some interesting cars and motorbikes on our roads, including some previously registered interstate,” Mr Steel said.

“The key purpose of this improved scheme is to support Canberra’s motoring community with discounted registration for older vehicles which are used on a limited basis by people as a hobby,” he said.

“This scheme recognises that these cars are not a daily drive and that we shouldn’t penalise enthusiasts who own additional VVH vehicles by charging full registration.”

Mr Steel said the distance-based limit that previously capped owners to travelling no more than 3,000 kilometres per year had changed to a day-based limit with up to 60 days of use per year.

He said a new class had been introduced to include modified historic vehicles, both cars and motorcycles.

“Many owners like to express the love they have for their car through their numberplate,” the Minister said.

“Previously all VVH vehicles registered had to use specific ACT VVH numberplates but now they may use any valid ACT numberplate including custom plates.”

Mr Steel called on vehicle owners to update their registration in light of the new scheme, reminding them it was illegal to have a car registered interstate when it was garaged in the ACT.

“Registration options available means that there is still no excuse to be deemed unregistered and voiding your insurance by driving on interstate plates,” he said.

Further information on the VVH arrangement can be accessed at this PS News link.

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