27 September 2023

Nun the worse

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Regular readers of PS-sssst! will be aware of how enthusiastically we PS-sssters plunge into print when it comes to pillorying the pedants amongst us for the slightest of erroneous oversights, yet when it’s PS-sssst!’s own solecistic screamers we are far less forthright to right our faulty failures.

That is until this week.

Reporting recently that the New Zealand Department of Conservation had entered a covenant with Māori landholders to protect an endangered rainforest from logging, the gremlins at PS News rose up to cause a round of reporting distorting similar to that which so many brilliant, bright and brainy media outlets had already fallen into.

The gremlinic typographical transgression that prompted the PS News pickle was its original report which read: “The New Zealand Department of Conservation has entered a convent with Māori landholders ……”

On the bright side, from all reports the Department and the Māori lived happily ever after!

Pinged for a pong

Still shivering in the shaky Isles, PS-sssst’s much cherished ‘Headline Of The Week Award’ (the HOTWA) has broken new ground by being awarded for the first time to an over-ditch Department for its pleas to travelling Kiwi Rugby fans to take care returning from the Rugby World Cup in Japan, not to bring a damaging insect pest with them when they come home.

The unwanted insect is the ‘Brown Marmorated Stink Bug’ which the NZ Ministry for Primary Industries has elevated to immortality by featuring it in a media release that has gone on to win a HOTWA.

The Ministry elected to alert the nation to the insect danger by headlining its official announcement: “Government on high alert for stink bugs”.

Congratulations to all concerned, particularly the bugs!

Books to go

To Rama Gaind’s weekly giveaway now from which three lucky readers will walk away with a new book each with the compliments of our own PS News giveaway Queen Rama.

To win a copy of the book Fear Money Purpose: How to overcome your fears to find financial freedom and your true purpose by Nancy Youssef, readers needed only to name the organisation founded by Ms Youssef and then be among the first three correct entrants to make it out of the PS News Barrel of Booty on giveaway draw day.

The answer was Classic Finance and Classic Mentoring and Coaching and the classically correct entrants belonged to Natalie J from Transport for Victoria, Mike M from Defence Housing Australia and Melanie P from the Federal Department of Social Services.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who took part. The prize books will be on their way soon.

For another chance to join Rama’s Army of winners, simply follow this link to this week’s giveaway and give it your best shot.

Good luck to all who do.

Giving way to giveaways

And while on the topic of generous, gratuitous and gratis giveaways, one is clearly wonderful but two is too and for this week only, a second giveaway is on the runway with three free tickets to the 2019 British ‘Mini’ Film Festival up for the taking simply by visiting Vic Rebikoff’s weekly film review at this PS News link and following Vic’s instruction to join the fun.

Winning entrants will be reported on this spot next week.

Alert alert!

And finally, another warning that the Dodgy ‘PS Alerts’ emails have been seen again pretending to be PS News and dragging our good name down to theirs.

Be aware there is only one PS News which has been serving Australia’s public sector professionally and honestly for 13 years (14 next month!) and not once have we needed to pretend we are someone else.

So if it doesn’t have “PS News” on it, it’s not PS News.

To paraphrase the Dodgy Brothers: The PS should definitely be ‘Alert!’

Till next week……

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