26 September 2023

NIGERIA: Reform plan revival has workers worried

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There is growing concern in the Nigerian Public Service over Government plans to scrap some Agencies that it considers redundant.

The Government has undertaken to implement the report of the Presidential Committee on the Restructuring and Rationalisation of Parastatals, Commissions and Agencies, which has remained on the shelf since it was presented in 2012.

Observers at a recent leadership weekend said news of the Government’s decision caused immediate apprehension among the Public Servants present, with many huddling in groups to discuss the development.

Confirming plans to scrap redundant Agencies, Secretary to Government of the Federation (SGF), Boss Mustapha said there was a need to rein back the increasing costs of governance, especially with the current revenue challenges in the country.

Mr Mustapha said the 2012 Report had been reviewed and updated, and a new committee had been formed to turn the Report into a White Paper.

“The White Paper Committee, headed by a former Head of Service of the Federation, Ebele Okeke (pictured), has six weeks to submit its report so the process of implementation can begin after approval by the Federal Executive Council,” Mr Mustapha said.

Research on the 2012 Report showed it had recommended that 38 Agencies should be abolished, 52 should be merged, and 14 should revert to their relevant Departments.

After lengthy debate a White Paper on the Report was published in 2014, but no implementation action was taken at the time.

Abuja, 7 July 2022

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