25 September 2023

NIGERIA: PS head slams skill shortage

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The head of Nigeria’s Federal Public Service, Winifred Oyo-Ita (pictured) has slammed the lack of human capacity-building and skills development in Government Departments, saying there is an “urgent need” to correct the situation.

Speaking in the capital, Abuja, at the opening ceremony of a two-day training program on protocol procedures, she said human capital was the country’s greatest resource.

“This training has been organised to enlighten participants on the issue of protocol procedure for official functions and to learn best practices in image making — it will be the first of many,” Mrs Oyo-Ita said.

“Over the years the Civil Service has been faced with a capacity deficit and I am afraid it may get worse if the challenge is not diligently tackled.”

She said protocol officers were the image makers of the Public Service and the country, and a little slip in protocol application and etiquette could become a monumental national embarrassment.

“As the popular maxim goes: ‘If you don’t train them, don’t blame them’,” Mrs Oyo-Ita said.

“I am happy the process of discharging our own part by delivering training has started with this batch.”

She warned the participants to make the best use of the training as they would be held accountable for any protocol slip after the program.

Seventy participants across Ministries, Departments and Agencies attended the training.

Abuja, 30 November 2018

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