The New Zealand Government is providing more support to the police after a spate of ram raids affecting small businesses.
Minister of Police, Poto Williams said a range of options was under consideration, including fog cannons, security alarms and screens.
She said $NZ6 million ($A5.45 million) from the Proceeds of Crime Fund would be allocated to the crime prevention program for the installation of bollards or other protection structures.
“We have heard the concerns of the small businesses being targeted by ram raids and other offending,” Ms Williams said.
“While there has been a significant reduction in youth offending over the past decade, there has also been a recent spike in ram raids and related offending which we urgently need to address for these business owners.”
She said alongside the obviouse physical damage, ram raids could also have serious personal mental health and wellbeing impacts on business owners, their families, and staff.
“Police will establish and manage the program of funding for small retailer crime prevention, with work beginning in Auckland and expanding if required,” the Minister said.
“Alongside the increased police prevention work, and in keeping with the Government’s policy of being tough on crime and also tackling the drivers of crime, Social and Justice Ministers, supported by Agencies, are undertaking a broader program.”
Ms Williams said this would focus on the causes of child and youth offending and how to build on the success of the existing early interventions approach.
Wellington, 27 May 2022