26 September 2023

Immobilisers on trial to stall car theft

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The Queensland Police Service has said a vehicle engine immobiliser trial is a step closer for residents of Mount Isa, Cairns and Townsville with expressions of interest from installers now open.

Around 20,000 engine immobilisers are expected to be installed in the trial areas.

Subsidy vouchers worth $500 are being distributed in the areas, that sum expected to cover the entire cost of installation, the aim being that participants in the trial are not left out of pocket.

The trial is part of the Government’s youth justice reforms, with the initiative set to provide residents with an additional option to increase the security of their vehicles at a subsidised cost.

Acting Assistant Police Commissioner, Chris Stream said the aim was to reduce crimes associated with car theft and increase security and safety among Queensland communities.

“The Queensland Police Service supports this trial and will be actively encouraging community members to take advantage of this crime-prevention strategy,” A/Commissioner Stream said.

“It is anticipated this trial will deliver an enhanced crime prevention tool directly into the hands of people in the local community. Technology like this can make a real difference to the safety and security of everyone.”

Remote immobilisers allow police following a stolen vehicle to remotely stop it in a safe place, avoiding risk to the community and allowing officers to apprehend offenders.

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