The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing is calling for feedback on social and affordable housing as part of a 10-year strategy to ensure more Victorians have safe, suitable and secure housing.
Minister for Housing, Richard Wynne said the Department’s discussion paper, Establishing a 10‑Year Strategy for Social and Affordable Housing, sought stakeholder and community feedback to inform the development of the 10-Year Strategy, scheduled to be released later this year.
“The Strategy will outline a blueprint for the future of our social housing system – encompassing the diverse views of stakeholders and the community,” Mr Wynne said.
“The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of safe, affordable and stable housing,” he said.
“This Strategy will provide the roadmap and reforms needed to ensure all Victorians who need housing support have a safety net as well as access to safe, secure and affordable housing.”
Mr Wynne said there would be a focus on bringing together stakeholders from across the community housing, private and community services sectors, as well as all levels of Government.
“Combining their skills, expertise and capacity will help build a more effective social and affordable housing system that can meet the current and future needs of Victorians,” the Minister said.
He said the Discussion Paper and Strategy were framed around four focus areas, covering pathways, communities, partnerships and growth.
“These focus areas will guide engagement with industry, Government, the housing and homelessness sectors, existing residents and Victorians across the State,” Mr Wynne said.
The Department’s 15-page community Discussion Paper, including information on how to have a say, can be accessed at this PS News link.