The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development has launched a consultation program on technology to reduce the number and severity of heavy vehicle rear impact crashes.
Heavy vehicles represent three per cent of all registered vehicles in Australia and account for just over eight per cent of vehicle kilometres travelled on public roads. However, they are involved in 17 per cent of fatal crashes.
Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, Andrew Gee said that in line with the National Road Safety Action Plan 2018-2020, a consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) had been released for consultation in order to examine options more closely.
“The RIS identifies Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) that meets international standards as the most effective countermeasure available,” Mr Gee said.
“The RIS proposes to adopt AEB across the new heavy vehicle fleet.
“The RIS also considers expanding out the current requirements for Electronic Stability Control where AEB is fitted and applying the requirements to some smaller vehicles as well.”
He said regardless of where the fault lay, crashes involving heavy vehicles could be particularly severe.
“Crashes involving heavy vehicles striking the rear of other vehicles cost the community around $200 million each year,” Mr Gee said.
“They also have a devastating effect on the individuals and families involved,” he said.
“AEB systems detect likely forward collisions, provide the driver with a warning and, if the driver does not respond, put the brakes on automatically.”
Research commissioned by the Department found that AEB systems meeting the standards would reduce the number and severity of almost 15 per cent of all heavy vehicle crashes, with reductions of fatalities and injuries by up to 57 per cent.
Comments on the RIS will be accepted until 4 October and the 92-page Statement can be accessed at this PS News link.