The Department of Education has developed a strategy to strengthen the quality of teaching in the classrooms of the State’s public schools.
The new Quality Teaching Strategy details the key elements of teaching practice that are shown by research to improve outcomes for students.
It is aimed at helping school leaders, in consultation with their staff, to assess and determine how they can build on the initiatives they already have in place to further strengthen the quality of teaching practice across their schools.
Finally, it provides clear descriptions of what evidence shows are effective classroom strategies that help students succeed.
Minister for Education and Training, Sue Ellery said a targeted survey was available for principals to assess their school culture, and ensure they had the necessary conditions in place to support effective classroom practice by all teachers.
“A new leadership development program with professional learning for school leaders is also part of the Strategy. This is designed to build on their capability to lead cultures of high performance in their schools,” Ms Ellery said.
“The Quality Teaching Strategy is the result of extensive consultation, research and collaboration with the profession, and complements the $2.5 million Phonics Initiative announced in May.”
She said that under that initiative, all public primary schools are to complete an annual phonics assessment with Year 1 students, beginning next year.
“This will help teachers to identify students who need additional support to develop the essential phonics skills, knowledge and understandings they need to be successful,” Ms Ellery said.
“The Quality Teaching Strategy is one of several Government measures aimed at making improvements across the sector so there is a consistent approach to quality teaching, providing additional support to teachers and school leaders in this important work,” she said.