26 September 2023

New station boost for ambulance service

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The Department of Health has announced that the new Norwood Ambulance Station is to be built on repurposed Government-owned land at the corner of Portrush and Magill Roads.

In a statement, the Department said the site had become available following a recent intersection upgrade.

“The Norwood crew is the first of eight 24/7, 16-person metropolitan paramedic crews to be rolled out over the next four years,” the Department said.

“In addition, a 12-person Emergency Support Services crew will join the 16 paramedics at Parkside to form a total of 28 extra ambulance officers deployed to the eastern suburbs.”

Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Chris Picton said the new deployments would make a huge difference in coverage, not just across inner-eastern suburbs, but across the State.

“Paramedics identified a clear coverage gap in the inner suburbs, which pulls crews based further out in the suburbs away from their local areas to cover jobs closer to the city,” Mr Picton said.

“That’s why we’re delivering the resources needed to meet this demand.”

Interim Executive Director Metro Operations for the Ambulance Service, Paul Lemmer said the much-needed boost in personnel would help relieve pressure on ambulance officers who were currently working under trying conditions.

“It’s been no mean feat bringing on board new crews so quickly, but thanks to our support services teams, we have been able to achieve this,” Mr Lemmer said.

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