26 September 2023

New sporting resource to take on Recovery

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Sport Australia has developed a new resource that helps local sporting clubs and organisations recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and go on to bigger and better things.

Game Plan is an online diagnostic tool that volunteers and club administrators can use to improve how they operate. It replaces Club Health Check.

Acting Chief Executive of Sport Australia, Robert Dalton said sporting clubs have had to adapt to the ‘new normal’ and that has come with challenges.

“Many sporting clubs are also run by volunteers who may be time poor or have varying levels of experience in running a club,” Mr Dalton said.

“Our Game Plan tool is designed to make life easier for these clubs by connecting them with the information and resources they need to help them operate more efficiently and effectively.”

He said clubs could check how they were performing in 13 areas including four foundation modules that underpinned all club operations — governance, strategy, finance and workforce.

“The modules are quick and easy to complete,” Mr Dalton said.

“Once a club has finished a module, they receive a maturity rating, information and resources to help them improve, and an action plan to assign responsibilities and timelines,” he said.

“The best part about Game Plan is that it’s not limited to a single user — any administrator of a club can complete modules suited to their role, whether that’s coaching, sponsorship or finance.”

He said clubs could also access the platform at any time to assist them in or outside of season.

The Game Plan portal can be accessed on the SportAus website at this PS News link.

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