26 September 2023

New policy to boost PS innovation

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The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation has developed a new Intellectual Property (IP) Policy to be used by the public sector for innovating and unlocking opportunities for commercialism.

In a statement accompanying the release of the policy, the Department said the activities of Government Agencies often generated valuable IP with potential to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to the community.

“The new IP policy recognises the value of IP as a State asset, including artwork, designs, images, inventions, symbols and written names,” the Department statement said.

“The IP Policy provides guidance on the creation, management and use of IP to assist Agencies to optimise the benefits of their IP through commercialisation where appropriate and viable.”

It said the policy provided specific guidance to Agencies on responsible IP management and protection, ownership of Government IP, commercialisation, divestment and the appropriate reward and recognition of public sector employees who developed significant and valuable IP.

“With the aim of reflecting global best practice, the new IP policy has been informed by consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, including through the public release of a discussion paper in October 2022,” the Department said.

“The new IP policy forms part of a suite of State Government policy initiatives, including the development of bio-discovery legislation, the review of the Western Australian Jobs Act 2017, and the Diversify WA framework that will support economic diversification and job creation.”

The IP policy can be accessed at this PS News link.

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