26 September 2023

New Panel to run racing disputes

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A new Racing Appeals Panel is to be established to replace current internal reviews made by the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) and the majority of Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) appeals relating to racing stewards’ decisions.

Announcing the decision, the Minister for Racing, Grace Grace said the new Panel would provide a quick and accessible mechanism to review stewards’ decisions by a specialist body, with limited grounds for further review.

“Racing stewards are employed by QRIC and the Panel will act in a similar way to the National Rugby League Judiciary, taking over a function that is currently served by the QRIC,” Ms Grace said.

“This means appeals on decisions made by QRIC-employed stewards will be made to an independent Panel, rather than to the QRIC itself.”

Ms Grace said establishing the Panel was among a number of key changes to the Racing Integrity Act 2016, aimed at delivering a review system that was fit-for-purpose for the racing industry.

“We have worked closely with the racing industry for almost two years to address concerns and close loopholes associated with the review process,” she said.

The Minister said the current process could be lengthy and drawn-out with appeals of QRIC-imposed sanctions going to the QCAT.

“With the reforms now passed and due to take effect in coming months, establishing the Panel will be a priority and there will be a rigorous recruitment process to ensure the best possible people are appointed,” Ms Grace said.

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