26 September 2023

New National Park has ‘best job in SA’

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The South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service has unveiled what it believes could be the ‘best job in SA in 2023’, looking for an inaugural senior ranger position for the soon-to-be opened Nilpena Ediacara National Park.

The NPWS said the park is located on the traditional lands of the Adnyamathanha people in the northern Flinders Ranges between Leigh Creek and Parachilna and is scheduled to open in late April.

It said it is a place of rich cul­tur­al her­itage and excep­tion­al sci­en­tif­ic val­ue, where evi­dence of the emer­gence earth’s ear­li­est com­plex ani­mal life has been discovered.

“The park features some of the earliest forms of complex multicellular animal life that evolved here some half a billion years ago,” NPWS said.

“One of Nilpena’s best preserved beds, Alice’s Restaurant Bed, was unearthed in 2016 by world leading palaeontologist Professor Mary Droser and her team from the University of California,” it said.

“The bed is a window into the living seafloor, with many Ediacaran fossils including newly described species.”

The Service said Nilpena and its surrounds were recognisable from many television commercials, shows and films, most notably the 2002 award-win­ning film ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’, as well as one of Zac Efron’s most recent movies Gold.

It said that once open, visitors will be required to take an organised guided tour to gain access through the park to ensure a high-quality visitor experience which maintains protection for the in situ fossil beds.

The Service said con­struc­tion of vis­i­tor facil­i­ties was near­ing com­ple­tion with the new fos­sil expe­ri­ence aimed at being ready to wel­come vis­i­tors in the first half of this year.

For more information about the ‘best job in SA in 2023’, visit this PS News link.

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