27 September 2023

New Minister to take on PS matters

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The Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Ben Morton (pictured) has temporarily taken over responsibility for Public Service matters including the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC).

In a statement the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison said the public service portfolio had been temporarily transferred from the Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, to allow him to fully focus on the COVID-19 pandemic response within his health portfolio.

“At this time, the focus of all Agencies, Departments and employees is on delivering the critical functions, services and needs that Australians rely on,” Mr Morrison said.

“Their efforts are keeping Australians healthy, saving lives and livelihoods and ensuring our nation bounces back strongly on the other side of this global pandemic.”

He said the APSC was engaged in the COVID-19 response, including the redeployment of APS members to support the critical and continued delivery of Government services during the pandemic.

Mr Hunt wrote to all APS staff on 20 March to express his gratitude for their service and dedication during the health crisis.

“The two words Public and Service have never been more linked nor more apt,” Mr Hunt wrote.

“I thank you for all you have done so far and I thank you for all that each of you will do to help in the coming weeks and months.

“You are magnificent and I am honoured to work with you as are all of the members of the Cabinet.”

Mr Morrison has not announced an end date for the transfer of the Ministerial duties.

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