Proposed new laws that establish the ACT drug and alcohol court, protect vulnerable witnesses being cross-examined in Courts and improve the system for resolving workplace pay disputes have been introduced into the Legislative Assembly by Attorney General, Gordon Ramsay.
Mr Ramsay said the ACT’s first Drug and Alcohol Court would make a real difference in the lives of offenders whose criminality was driven by addiction.
“This sentencing option will support high risk and high needs offenders to turn their lives around under a strict reporting and rehabilitation program,” Mr Ramsey said.
He said the reforms would also ensure vulnerable people were able to navigate the justice system better.
“Giving evidence can be a particularly daunting experience for children, and this scheme will support young witnesses to better articulate their evidence in court proceedings, as well as their responses under cross-examination,” he said.
He said the introduction of an intermediary scheme for the ACT represented significant progress in ensuring the voices of victims are heard in the criminal justice system.
“I will introduce changes to the Evidence Act which will establish the legal framework for the use of intermediaries and ground rules hearings in the ACT, implementing key recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.”
He said proposed changes to the fair work legislation would help combat wage theft and improve access to justice by providing a simple, accessible and efficient process for parties to resolve fair work matters.
“The introduction of compulsory mediation for all fair work matters before the Court will assist parties to resolve their disputes early and with the minimum of legal form and technicality,” Mr Ramsey said.
“The new laws will also allow officials of industrial associations to represent their members in small claim matters before the Court which will immensely benefit workers who do not have the financial capability to pay for their own representation,” he said.