26 September 2023

New DJPR app to deliver active Victoria

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Victorians are being encouraged to be active through a new Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions app featuring exercise tips and workout videos.

Welcoming the Get Active Victoria app, Minister for Community Sport, Ros Spence said it was the latest instalment of the Department’s online Get Active Victoria campaign which encouraged people to keep their bodies moving.

“The new app includes a range of guided workouts for beginners through to those more advanced and is designed by top physiotherapists, yoga instructors and personal trainers,” Ms Spence said.

“Users can set goals and track their activity, find support through an online team, and explore new places to be active outdoors,” she said.

“Additional features such as reminders, an activity timer and a calendar to schedule workouts ahead of time provide users with a quicker and more convenient experience.”

Ms Spence said the initiative challenged Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

She said the web version had already seen more than 85,000 people tap into activities from family workout videos to strength and conditioning tips.

“This app will encourage Victorians of all ages and fitness levels to get active with a range of workouts to get moving every day,” the Minister said.

“We know the benefits of regular exercise are far reaching, regardless of your goals the app makes fitness available to everyone.”

Ms Spence said the app was available through Apple and Android stores, easy to install and free to use.

“All you need to do is register with Get Active Victoria or log in to your account once it’s downloaded,” she said.

Further information on the Get Active Victoria app can be accessed at this PS News link.

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