26 September 2023

New car cameras to snap distracted drivers

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The Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate has rolled out its first three mobile phone detection cameras in a bid to reduce driver distraction and make ACT roads safer.

Deputy Director-General at the Directorate, Ben McHugh said the three transportable mobile phone detection cameras made their debut on Tuesday (14 February) as part of the asset integration phase of the project.

“Initially transportable cameras will be located on Yamba Drive, Canberra Avenue and Horse Park Drive,” Mr McHugh said.

“They will regularly move to various sites across the road network to provide maximum road safety benefits,” he said.

“This roll out of mobile device detection cameras is an important step and will allow the technology to be integrated with our existing ACT Government systems.”

Mr McHugh said data collection during the phase would also help inform future road safety strategies such as camera placement and ACT Policing activities.

He said drivers would not receive fines or warnings during the initial phase.

However, Mr McHugh said that from mid-2023, warning notices would start to be issued to motorists when offences were detected, and infringements notices would commence from October.

“Having these cameras out on the road early will help inform the community that mobile detection is coming and the importance of not being distracted while driving,” the Deputy Director-General said.

“Over the coming weeks Canberrans may also notice two fixed mobile device detection cameras installed on Hindmarsh Drive and Gungahlin Drive,” he said.

“The cameras will operate day and night in all weather conditions meaning mobile phone usage can be enforced anytime, anywhere.”

Mr McHugh said accompanying the cameras’ rollout, a comprehensive multi-phased awareness campaign would be undertaken by target drivers before they sat in the car and during their commute.

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