25 September 2023

New boss to push PS reforms

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The newly appointed Director of the US Office of Personnel Management, Jeff Pon (pictured) says his mission is to push the Public Service reforms wanted by President, Donald Trump.

In a message to all Federal workers, Mr Pon said the days of trying to fix the Public Service in an ad hoc manner were over.

He said the reforms would target changing the way Agencies recruited, rewarded and managed employees.

“We’d like to do a lot of different changes, not at the piecemeal level, but as a whole,” Mr Pon said.

“We will come up with different types of personnel systems for occupations.”

He said there were a lot of occupations that desperately needed an entire system to surround their success.

“It’s not just about time to hire, it’s not about how much they get paid; it’s the whole entire thing,” Mr Pon said.

“It’s to make sure we have the whole entire system to help them do what they need to do.”

Mr Pon didn’t offer any further details about his plans to address new personnel systems for different occupations, but he and Deputy Director, Michael Rigas did make the point that it was important to listen to employees, especially those in the field, and ensure that they felt they had been heard.

Mr Rigas said there was a need to make employment in the Federal Government more attractive and flexible, accommodating a new generation with new skills and talents.

“I think these are some of the challenges we will need to address to make employment in the Federal Government more competitive with all the options that are available out there,” Mr Rigas said.

“We will seek out the solutions from the folks who are dealing with and who have experiences understanding what the challenges are.”

Washington, DC, 6 April 2018

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