Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has invited comment on a proposed new label for alcoholic beverages warning mothers-to-be of the impact alcohol may have on their pregnancy.
Chief Executive of FSANZ, Mark Booth said the draft warning label (pictured) reflected a significant amount of work and research carried out by FSANZ over the past year.
“The draft warning label features a pictogram and a statement to alert women to the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy as well as to raise awareness in the broader community,” Mr Booth said.
“The design process involved a review of existing evidence on the design of warning labels, including features that attract consumer attention.”
He said the labels were intended to become a mandatory requirement on all packaged alcoholic beverages containing more than 1.15 per cent alcohol by volume, aimed at promoting the health and safety of unborn children through pregnancy.
When preparing proposals to change the Food Standards Code, FSANZ follows legislated requirements set out in the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. All FSANZ decisions on proposals are notified to Ministers responsible for food regulation who can ask for a review or agree that the standard should become law.
Comment is open until 27 October and more information on the proposal, including the study findings from the consumer testing, are available on the FSANZ website.