The ACT Health Directorate is to launch a new streamlined, Territory-wide service for Canberra women seeking maternity care in the public system.
‘Canberra Maternity Options’ is to open its doors next Monday (30 September) with the aim of providing more support to women by helping them understand the options available to them through the public system.
Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith said the new Canberra Maternity Options’ single-entry-point service would help women understand their options before making an informed decision on what pregnancy and birthing care would best suit them and their family.
“For many first-time parents, learning you are having a baby is an exciting and happy time,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.
“It can also be quite overwhelming. It isn’t always clear what new parents should do when they first find out they are expecting a baby.”
She said a midwife would now meet with women earlier in their pregnancy to ensure they received the right information and care, at the right time, as close to home as possible.
She said the new service had been shaped by extensive feedback received through consultation with mothers, mothers-to-be, health practitioners, GPs and the broader community.
“Through this consultation we heard women and their families wanted easier access to maternity services,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.
Canberra Maternity Options will be contactable on phone number (02) 5124 9977.