25 September 2023

Minister unleashes new dog laws

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New laws that line up the treatment of racing greyhounds in the ACT with the treatment of dangerous dogs have been introduced into the Legislative Assembly.

Minister for Transport and City Services, Meegan Fitzhgarris (pictured) said the new laws would apply to people with day-to-day care of the greyhounds.

“Last year tough laws were introduced to protect the community from dangerous dogs,” Ms Fitzharris said.

“The legislation targetted dog owners who act irresponsibly by imposing greater fines and penalties, greater seizure and informant powers and more effective provisions to reduce illegal breeding and increase compliance with mandatory de-sexing.”

She said legislation was also introduced last year to ban greyhound racing in the ACT from 30 April this year.

“The Bill we are introducing today amends the Domestic Animals Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 to align the dangerous dog and greyhound racing ban amendments,” Ms Fitzharris said.

“(It) will also ensure that the principles of responsible pet ownership and public safety that were introduced through the dangerous dog amendments equally apply to the greyhound provisions,” she said.

“This change will require the Registrar to consider the safety of the public and also whether an owner can demonstrate responsible dog management, care and control before granting a greyhound controller licence.”

Ms Fitzharris said the new law would also address a number of minor matters including a definition of ‘breeding’ to help stamp out puppy farming; make dog carers as well as keepers subject to control orders and restrictions; allow for dogs to be impounded in animal rescue facilities, not just the Government pound; and make clear that people must carry equipment to clean up after their dog.

She said the number of rangers employed by Domestic Animal Services would also be increased.

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