26 September 2023

Melbourne hosts Melbourne ship crew

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The Royal Australian Navy’s crew of the guided missile frigate, HMAS Melbourne, have marched through the streets of Melbourne to exercise their Freedom of Entry for the last time as their ship is to be decommissioned later this year.

More than 180 officers and sailors marched through the CBD to the Town Hall, answering a ceremonial challenge from Victoria Police Superintendent Peter O’Neill.

Exercising Freedom of Entry is a long-standing tradition for naval vessels wishing to proudly enter a city with swords drawn, drums beating, bands playing and colours flying.

Commanding Officer of the ship, Commander Marcus Buttler, said it was always a special occasion between a ship and the city that shared her name, but in this case it was particularly poignant.

“Sailing into Melbourne feels like coming home for many of our ships built nearby at Williamstown, but to bring HMAS Melbourne back to the city where she was built, for the last time, is an incredible honour,” Commander Buttler said.

“Over the past 27 years, this ship has carried the name of Melbourne around the world and I hope the people of Melbourne are as proud of this ship and what she has achieved as we are to be associated with this great city.”

Melbourne is the fifth of six Adelaide-class frigates and the last to be taken from service.

Commissioned in 1992, she has sailed more than 900,000 nautical miles throughout her service life.

She deployed to the Middle East eight times and earned battle honours for her service in East Timor and the Persian Gulf.

Melbourne recently completed a four-month deployment through Asia, including conducting international maritime surveillance operations to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution sanctions against North Korea.

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