26 September 2023

MALAYSIA: PS told to work through pandemic

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The head of Malaysia’s Public Service has urged Departments chiefs to take “proactive and effective measures” to ensure services can continue during the country’s Conditional Movement Order Control (CMCO) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chief Secretary to the Government, Mohd Zuki Ali said this must be done without compromising the safety and welfare of Public Servants.

“Among measures we must take to adapt to the new normal of the working culture in the Public Service are ensuring only the necessary number of staff are in the office; coming up with employees’ rotation as well as flexible working hours for parents, and encouraging virtual meetings,” Datuk Mohd said.

This follows an announcement from Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin that the country’s economic sector would be opened in stages.

Datuk Mohd said Public Servants with children below 12-years-old or with disabilities attending school and in need of constant care, should be allowed to work from home.

“For spouses who are both Civil Servants, only one person can use the facility to work from home at any one time until the school or care centre is reopened,” Datuk Mohd said.

“Department heads should also ensure compliance with all regulations and directives issued by the National Security Council, Ministry of Health and Public Service Department as precautionary measures against the COVID-19 outbreak,” he said.

Kuala Lumpur, 3 May, 2020

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