25 September 2023

MALAYSIA: PS promotions to be improved

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A new Malaysian Public Services Act will be aimed at improving the promotion process for officers in senior management, Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad has said.

Dr Mahathir said the mechanism, still in draft form, would be transparent and reduce dissatisfaction.

“Although the promotion of officers will still be determined by Ministers, it will not be executed on a personal basis,” Dr Mahathir said.

“It is not a case of dislike for this person or that. If there is an inappropriate case, the reasons must be given.”

Dr Mahathir also said there would no longer be political appointments in the case of heads of Malaysia’s overseas missions, such as Ambassadors and High Commissioners.

Only officers in the Public Service would be appointed to these posts, he said.

“People who are retired and all that were given rewards to become Ambassadors. We will not allow that,” the Prime Minister said.

“Political appointees among the heads of Malaysian missions abroad will be recalled.”

Support for the Prime Minister’s initiatives has come from former Chief Secretary to the Government, Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid (pictured).

“I agree that the practice of political appointments in the Civil Service must stop immediately,” Tun Ahmad Sarji said.

“I believe the Government has its reasons; perhaps it found those appointed don’t have a specific task or that their continued presence affected the integrity of the Civil Service.”

He also backed the idea of having an Act to improve the process of promotions within the Public Service.

“The process of being promoted should be more transparent and based on more objective criteria,” Tun Ahmad Sarji said.

Kuala Lumpur, 25 September, 2018

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