26 September 2023

MALAYSIA: PS payrise overdue says union

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Malaysia’s main public sector union says it is high time the Government increased salaries for Public Servants — the last pay rise being in 2013.

Deputy President of the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs), Zainal Ismail (pictured) said the salary revision was supposed to be conducted every three years.

“The Government should give due attention to the matter, particularly increases for staff in the Public Service Department (JPA) and enforcement Agencies who represent the front line of the Civil Service,” Mr Zainal said.

He said the salary revision as well as an increase in allowances — particularly Federal Territory general allowances and Federal Territory housing allowances — would be the focus of Cuepacs’ discussions with the Government which he hoped would take place soon.

“Another request to be made is that time-based promotions be awarded, and this would entail promotions after 10 years of service has been put in by a Civil Servant, as opposed to 13-to-15 years — this move would enable Civil Servants to retire on higher grades,” Mr Zainal said.

“Cuepacs would also request that the revisions are covered in Budget 2020 and that the Government should give priority to maintaining and replacing facilities and assets throughout the country, particularly public sector quarters and vehicles which are in disrepair.”

Kuala Lumpur, 7 August, 2019

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