The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) has announced that the location of the new Adelaide Aquatic Centre has been decided.
The $80 million fit-for-purpose Adelaide Aquatic Centre is to be built south of the existing facility at Park 2 in the northern Adelaide Park Lands.
According to the Department, the location is in line with the south-west corner site consulted on but with the minor amendment proposed by the residents’ feedback, for the proposed footprint to be further north.
“The selected location will allow the existing centre’s carpark to be utilised where possible, ensuring the existing row of trees along Barton Terrace West is retained,” the Department said.
“Of three proposals considered, the south-west location was backed by 55 per cent of the 989 respondents who provided feedback on the preferred site for a new facility,” it said.
“Only 20 per cent of respondents preferred the south-east corner, 15 per cent supported the north-east corner, and 10 per cent indicated no preference.”
The DIT said a 12-member Community Reference Group had reviewed all the feedback received during the engagement period before supporting the new south-west location which attracted support due to its proximity to existing infrastructure.
“The option also had the least impact on existing trees,” the Department said, “while new trees will also be pre-ordered and grown off-site to enable planting of semi-mature trees in 2025”.
It said the design process will include developing a concept plan for the new aquatic centre and a masterplan for the western side of Park 2, which will also identify vehicle, pedestrian and cycling path connections to the new facility.
“Further community feedback will be sought to inform these,” the Department said.
“Importantly, the development of the new Adelaide Aquatic Centre will result in no net loss of Park Lands, with the existing site to be returned to Park Lands once the new centre is built.”
A 2-page update of information about the project can be accessed at this PS News link.