It’s the time for wrapping up 2018 as we skip into the last month of the year and even though the Federal government looks forward to a very light workload and an election too that we’d like to get out of the way, the Public Service has to keep the business of government chugging along.
Annually the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand have awards for ‘Leadership in Government Awards’ which are keenly sought and involve some intense judging and consideration of those participating.
And for 2018 the venue was not the usual dinner but the Parliament House theatre with Ellen Fanning from the ABC’s The Drum as MC, a thoughtful Welcome to Country and guest speaker Stephen Scheeler, founder of The Digital CEO and former CEO of Facebook Australia and New Zealand with Rick Ellis, the CEO of CA Australia and New Zealand making the presentations.
Now Facebook is formidable, it permeates the lives of most and uses its reach for the benefit of those who want to circulate the major and the minutiae, connects and demand an inordinate amount of time.
Maybe an award for a PS who can survive without its demands would be a future category for recipients.