25 September 2023

KENYA: Flexible hours to beat gridlock

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Kenyan Public Servants are to be compelled to work flexible hours in an effort to ease peak hour gridlock in the capital, Nairobi.

The Ministry of Public Service has written to all Government workers in Nairobi ordering them to provide details of their areas of work and residence as the first step in organising two separate shifts.

Director of Administrative Services in the National Assembly, Douglas Ng’ang’a said the exercise was part of the Regeneration of Nairobi Program launched by President, Uhuru Kenyatta.

“This aims to regulate reporting and leaving times to and from work and ultimately to decongest the Nairobi central business district in order to promote ease of doing business,” Mr Ng’ang’a said.

“In this regard, all staff are required to fill in the attached form to enable us to generate this data and forward it accordingly.”

He asked heads of Directorates to facilitate collection and collation of data from staff and forward it to his office.

Government employees based in Nairobi are required to state whether they drive themselves to work and the main route they normally travel to and from work.

Currently, PS employees work between 8 am and 5 pm in a 35-hour week schedule.

The Ministry did not offer details on the expected timelines for the new shifts, but indicated that car-free days in Nairobi and market days in the city’s 17 sub-counties would be introduced to coincide with an upgraded bus network.

Nairobi, 23 June 2018

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