An incident on K’gari (Fraser Island) this month in which a juvenile dingo nipped a resident has prompted Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) to remind residents to ensure their property is secure with fences and gates closed and locked at all times.
In a statement, the QPWS said that at this time of the year rangers tended to see juvenile wongari testing their dominance skills which might cause them to become more brazen and opportunistic ahead of the breeding season of March and April.
“People are reminded to be dingo safe and not to feed or interact with the wongari, as this may contribute to their habituation and may have consequences,” the Service said.
“Wongari that lose their natural wariness of people and become habituated may become aggressive while seeking food.”
The QPWS said people should remain vigilant and report any negative dingo encounters to a QPWS ranger by phoning 07 4127 9150 or emailing [email protected] as soon as possible.
“Visitors to Fraser Island are reminded to be dingo safe at all times by always staying close (within arm’s reach) of children and young teenagers and walking in groups,” the QPWS said.
“They should camp in fenced areas where possible and refrain from running as running or jogging can trigger a negative dingo interaction.”
Visitors should never feed dingoes; should lock up food stores and iceboxes (even on a boat); and never store food or food containers in tents.
Finally, they should secure all rubbish, fish and bait.