26 September 2023

INDONESIA: Expanded role for COVID tracking app

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Indonesia’s Ministry of Health’s highly successful PeduliLindungi application, introduced as a tracking device during the COVID-19 pandemic, is to be expanded to allow people to access their medical records online.

The PeduliLindungi app is credited with helping to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus since its launch in March 2020.

Chief of Digital Transformation at the Ministry, Setiaji Setiaji said PeduliLindungi would become a public service application and not only for COVID-19.

PeduliLindungi’s functions can quite easily be extended. In its current configuration those who have used it have already reached more that 100 million people,” Mr Setiaji said.

“Rather than developing a new system and application we will use PeduliLindungi, that is already known and accepted by the public, and we will add new features.”

He said trials had shown that hospitals and other health services could access the electronic medical records of patients with the new version of the application.

Asked about security, Mr Setiaji said that apart from the Ministry’s own security system, data protection was also conducted in health service facilities.

“Dissemination of information and education will also be conducted to ensure the safety of the electronic medical records service,” he said.

“We will also implement the blockchain system, but later, not now, so that security will become even stronger.”

Jakarta, 14 September 2022

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