A new dedicated Indigenous position on the Board of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority has been announced by the Minister for Water Resources, David Littleproud.
Mr Littleproud said it was an historic move to make an Aboriginal position a legislated, permanent role on the MDBA board.
“Aboriginal communities will now have direct input into the management of Basin water resources,” Mr Littleproud said.
“This builds on our record, increasing First Nation’s engagement in managing the Murray-Darling Basin for the benefit of all,” he said.
“The Murray-Darling Basin will benefit from Indigenous expertise and stewardship within the MDBA as it continues its vital work of implementing the Basin Plan. I want to see Aboriginal Basin communities involved every step of the way.”
The new Indigenous member position will take the MDBA board from six to seven members.
Mr Littleproud said Board members had a broad range of backgrounds and expertise, including economics, environment, natural resource management and agriculture.
He said members were nominated and considered by the Federal and Basin State Ministers of Water and the new appointee would bring a high level of expertise on Indigenous water use.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority, founded in 2008, is the principal Government Agency in charge of managing the Murray-Darling Basin in an integrated and sustainable manner.