27 September 2023

ICAC collecting data to test PS

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The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has issued a call for public submissions on the administration of grant funding by the State’s Government Agencies, to assist it in its evaluation of the grants administration.

The Commission is evaluating corruption risks in the administration of grant funding by the public sector.

ICAC said that to participate a person may have applied for a Government grant, received a grant or been involved in the administration of a grant.

“The Commission would like to hear from you by way of written submission,” ICAC said.

“The Commission would like to hear from applicants and recipients about: How they learned of the grants program and their decision to apply; The time and money spent applying for grants; Perceptions of the application process, eligibility criteria, and level of information provided to applicants; Degree of interaction with and support from Departmental grants officers; and Perceptions of any follow-up or review of an awarded grant.

It said it would also like to hear: Reasons for withdrawing from a grants process; The adequacy of information provided to unsuccessful applicants; Any strengths or areas for improvement regarding applying for and receiving grants from the South Australian Government.”

“The Commission would like to receive written submissions from public officers and public authorities involved with grants administration,” ICAC said.

“Specifically, the Commission would like to learn of: Any experiences of impropriety in the provision of grants; Whether the practices, policies and procedures underpinning to grants administration are adequate to guard against corruption; and Any improvements that could be made to the practices, policies and procedures to strengthen corruption prevention.”

ICAC said submissions should be made in writing and sent to it by either email or post.

“Please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line:
Evaluation of grants administration submission’ (and) Post: If you would like to send a hard copy submission, please post it to: Grants Evaluation, Independent Commission Against Corruption, GPO Box 11066, ADELAIDE SA 5001.”

“Submissions will remain open throughout the evaluation,” it said.

Further information about the Commission’s evaluation can be accessed at this PS News link.

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