27 September 2023

How to turn around an unproductive day

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Téa Angelos* shares strategies to reignite motivation and reenergise your mind to turn around an unproductive day

In an ideal world, we would be productive 100 per cent of the time when we are at work.

In reality, productivity ebbs and flows, and some days you may feel unmotivated, overwhelmed or simply not in the mood.

The good news is that you can turn around an unproductive day by trying the following strategies to re-energise your mind and body to get more done.


Grab a sheet of paper and list your top three priorities that need to be accomplished by the end of the day.

Setting priorities allows you to actively understand the critical tasks that you need to complete and how they are driving you forward towards your desired outcomes.

If you are struggling to prioritise, try using the Eisenhower Matrix technique on page 246.

Once you have set your three priorities, focus solely on getting these done by the end of the day and do not distract yourself with other tasks.

Change your scenery

Changing your scenery is a simple, yet effective way to reinvigorate your productivity.

The next time you hit a slump in your day, change up your working space and head to your local café or a library.

If that’s not possible, can you move to a different room or space in the office or your house?

You don’t have to go very far, but the fresh outlook will refresh your mind and allow it to focus better on the task at hand.

Turn off notifications

How often do you check your phone?

With the constant flurry of calls, texts and social media, it’s no wonder we are constantly distracted every time we hear the ringer or feel the vibration go off with a new notification.

Switch your phone to do-not-disturb mode so you aren’t tempted to check it every time a notification pops up.

Alternatively, keep your phone off your desk where it’s easy to reach and leave it in your bag or in another room.

Take regular breaks

It’s important to take regular breaks to refresh your mind.

Utilise the Pomodoro Technique (see page 249) and work in uninterrupted 25-minute blocks followed by a five-minute break.

Short bursts of focused work followed by a quick break helps you decompress, manage stress and stay productive for longer.

Avoid multitasking

Trying to juggle five tasks at a time will only leave you feeling stressed out and frazzled.

Then your brain is trying to manage multiple tasks at once, and is constantly switching between them all, your attention is divided and interrupted.

This is incredibly inefficient and can lead to more mistakes and heightened anxiety.

Instead, focus on one task at a time and

don’t move on until it’s done.

Check in with an accountability buddy

Having an accountability buddy helps you stay on track and be productive for longer.

Tell a colleague or friend what your top three priorities are for the day or week and update them when you complete each one.

Sharing your goals with an external party and having them keep you accountable is a highly effective method to increase your motivation and get more done.

Edited extract from Smart Moves: Simple Ways to take Control of your Life by *Téa Angelos, available 1 March at all leading retailers and online at smartwomensociety.com

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