SA Police have issued a warning that scammers are targeting unsuspecting parents and are causing them to lose, in some cases, thousands of dollars.
SA Police said the scam, known commonly as family impersonation, involved the victim receiving texts purporting to be from their child.
“They will claim that their mobile phone has been lost or broken and that’s why they are using a different mobile phone number,” the Police said.
“The scammer will typically say they are short of money or late paying bills and then request the recipient to urgently transfer money into an account,” they said.
“Scammers will use both text messages and messaging apps to reel their victims in.”
The police said parents might also feel a sense of urgency in the messages as the scammer would try to convince them or pressure them to pay quickly, but it was important to stop and think as it could protect themselves and their money.
“Call the original number that you have saved for that person and speak to them to confirm that the message was, in fact, sent by them,” the Police said.
“Does the message sound like your family member? Look at the tone and language they’ve used in their messages. If you’re still in doubt, ask a question that only your family member could answer,” they said.
Further information on scams affecting South Australians can be accessed at this PS News link.