26 September 2023

Housing project has designs on Dickson

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The next steps in developing the ‘Common Ground’ project in Dickson have been taken with the Minister for Suburban Development, Yvette Berry, inviting community comment on the development as well as the proposed variation to the Territory Plan.

Ms Berry said the Government was also seeking expressions of interest from philanthropic partnerships to help deliver the project.

She said the Government was committed to addressing homelessness and supporting low income and disadvantaged Canberrans.

“The Common Ground housing model transitions people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing with the support they need to stay housed, to improve their connections to health, education and employment, and to live independently,” Ms Berry said.

“Common Ground Dickson will provide long-term housing for people facing chronic homelessness, focusing on supporting women and children, families and single parents, and older women.”

She said the project aimed to provide 40 social and affordable homes with a mix of one, two and three bedroom units to support the needs of a mix of tenants.

“The pre-Development Application design has brought together the views of the Common Ground board, the housing and homelessness sector and insights from the University of Queensland study.”

She said a variation to the current zoning under the Territory Plan was required for the project to go ahead.

Ms Berry said the Government had started its work and was now seeking community feedback through the statutory consultation process.

“Common Ground is different from traditional homelessness support services because it locates safe and secure accommodation alongside vital supports and services that help tenants break from the cycle of homelessness,” she said.

“The Canberra community has always shown its willingness to give to the greater good and a key to the success of Common Ground Gungahlin was the positive community response and I hope that will be repeated in Dickson.”

Comments will be received until 7 November.

Information on the concept designs, engagement opportunities and the Territory Plan Variation can be found at this PS News link.

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