26 September 2023

Homework volunteers wanted to help students

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Libraries ACT is calling for volunteers to help teenagers with their high school or college assignments in Term Two.

Issuing the call for Donut Stress Homework tutors, Libraries ACT said it was seeking volunteers to assist children aged 12-18 with their school or college work; connect students to resources at the local library that could support school or recreational activities; and build positive and supportive rapports with students to promote attendance and wellbeing.

“Would you like to assist a Canberra teenager with their high school or college assignments?” Libraries ACT asked.

“You will meet teenagers aged between 12-18 once a week at Gungahlin or Woden branch and identify what their homework needs are based on subject matter and/or their literacy and numeracy skill sets,” it said.

“Use resources from the library and/or online to support the students to complete their academic work or to pursue and develop their skills and interests.”

Libraries ACT said Donut Stress Homework tutors worked with the attending Youth Workers to build rapport and strong social connections with the students to promote social and emotional wellbeing and attendance at the sessions.

It said the sessions would have up to 10 students attending, however, tutors were not expected to support more than three students at a time.

“Students will come on a drop-in basis,” it said.

Libraries ACT said students were referred to the Program through its partner organisations.

Further information on the role can be accessed at this PS News link and how to apply to volunteer at this link.

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