26 September 2023

Home Affairs warns on migration scams

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The Department of Home Affairs has updated its guidance for individuals seeking immigration assistance from Registered Migration Agents.

The Department said the updated Consumer Guide reflected recent amendments to the Migration Act 1958, which removed unnecessary dual regulation for legal practitioners operating in the migration advice industry.

Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs, Jason Wood said the protection of consumers remained a key focus for the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA).

“Now available in 34 community languages, the Consumer Guide is provided to all consumers seeking immigration assistance from a Registered Migration Agent,” Mr Wood said.

“It outlines the role of the Registered Migration Agent, who is authorised to provide immigration assistance and how consumers can lodge complaints to the OMARA.”

He said the updated Consumer Guide was another example of the Government’s commitment to ensuring a world-class migration advice industry.

The Minister said only registered migration agents and Australian legal practitioners could legally provide immigration assistance in Australia and charge a fee for their assistance.

“Don’t risk being scammed and charged for a fake service,” Mr Wood said.

“The penalty for providing unlawful immigration assistance can be up to 10 years’ imprisonment.”

The one-page Consumer Guide can be accessed at this PS News link and anyone with information about individuals falsely claiming to be a Registered Migration Agent should contact Border Watch at this link.

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