26 September 2023

Health Dept slaps on cancer warning

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The Department of Health has launched its annual National Skin Cancer Action Week, reminding all Australians to stay safe in the sun.

In a statement, the Department said Australia had one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, including Melanoma and non-Melanoma skin cancers.

“Melanoma is expected to be the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer, with 15,229 new cases estimated,” the statement said.

“Unfortunately, up to 1,725 people will die from the disease this year.”

The statement said that while the mortality rate for the non-Melanoma skin cancer was lower than Melanoma, up to 700 Australians would die of from the disease this year.

“Australia performs well in controlling skin cancer, with 91 per cent of people with the condition surviving more than five years – but we can do better,” the Department said.

It said the five key preventive measures were: Slip on sun-protective clothing; slop on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water resistant sunscreen; slap on a broad-brimmed hat; seek shade, and slide on sunglasses.

The statement said Melanoma medicines were expanded on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) on 1 November to include subsidies for post-surgery treatment for patients.

The Department expected more than 260 patients were expected to benefit from this listing each year.

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