The fourth national workplace sexual harassment survey has been released and delivered to the usual short run of commentary, but with 10,000 Australians surveyed the samples have grown exponentially despite being just 17% of those who experienced sexual harassment in the past five years and made an official complaint.
That’s a sizable slice of ‘surveyees’, the ones able to articulate and discuss the profound impact sexual harassment has had – or is having on their lives.
The Australian public has become involved in the world wide #Me Too movement. Government needs data to support action to prevent workplace sexual harassment but would seem to be unable to resolve the most insidious kind under their noses in the not-so-happy Liberal Party with the ad hoc reporting of the machinations behind the latest leadership debacle.
To deny sexual harassment is unacceptable and to threaten to divulge but withdraw from that stance is also unacceptable.
We have to start at the top.
Start early with education, be quick to resolve and rectify problems and not be frightened to yell loudly from the cloisters of protection.
In Kate Jenkins’ hands there is a calm, intelligent and considered result, slowly but surely collating and sharing the awful truth, but she is formidable advocate.
Let’s see some difference!