Reviewed by Rama Gaind.
Edited by Carly Findlay, Black Inc., $29.99.
There’s an abundance of insight in this collection from a group whose voices are not heard often enough — those negotiating disability in their lives.
Some standout quotes are:
- ‘I didn’t grow up disabled; I grew up with a problem. A problem that those around me wanted to fix.’
- ‘I had become disabled – not just by my disease, but by the way the world treated me. When I found that out, everything changed.’
- ‘Don’t fear the labels.’
It touches the very core of one’s being. Growing Up Disabled in Australia is based on the social model of disability. Carly is a writer and an appearance activist who received an Order of Australia for her work in disability advocacy.
One in five Australians has a disability that presents itself in many ways. Yet disabled people are still underrepresented in the media and in literature.
As Findlay rightly says, this book will change history. It’s the first of its kind in Australia and “I hope it won’t be the last. Publishers — both literary and news — need to commit to publishing work by disabled people. We deserve better representation in literature”.
“This anthology shows the diversity of disability — not just in terms of impairments, but also experiences. I took an intersectional approach when selecting the work. The people in this book are disabled, chronically ill, mentally ill and neurodiverse, and inhabit the city, regional and rural regions and Aboriginal communities. They span generations – some are elders and some are still growing up — and genders, cultures and sexualities. Not everyone in the book sees disability as part of their identity, but some are waving the pride flag loudly; both responses are valid.”
More than 40 writers with a disability or chronic illness share their stories, in their own words. The result is enlightening. There is hope this book will create a sense of identity, pride and belonging to a community.