26 September 2023

Gold Coast to be home for mental health facility

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Work on a new 40-bed mental health facility on the Gold Coast is to begin this year.

The move follows Queensland Health’s announcement that the tender to build the Gold Coast University Hospital’s new Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit (SMHRU) had been awarded to Watpac Constructions.

Gold Coast-based Minister for Science and Youth Affairs, Meaghan Scanlon said one in two Australians would suffer from mental illness some time in their life.

“This new facility will be built across two floors and provide secure services to support people with severe and complex mental health disorders in their recovery,” Ms Scanlon said.

“Importantly, it’s been developed with the help of people with lived mental health experiences and carers,” she said.

“They assisted in the development of cultural guidance, delivery of services and adoption of recovery-orientated practices.”

Ms Scanlon said the facility was one of many health projects committed to the Gold Coast with the most recent Budget delivering a capital injection of $1.388 billion for health infrastructure there.

The Minister said the SMHRU would be operated in partnership with Metro South Health to meet a growing demand for secure mental health rehabilitation services across South-East Queensland.

“Construction on the facility will begin this year and is expected to be complete in 2024, weather and construction conditions permitting,” Ms Scanlon said.

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