26 September 2023

Fresh water — call for NWI update

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The Productivity Commission has issued a draft report assessing the progress of Australian Governments towards achieving the objectives and outcomes of the National Water Initiative (NWI).

The report also provides practical advice on future directions for national water reform and invites interested people to make a written submission or brief comment on its findings.

Productivity Commissioner Jane Doolan said that while the current national water policy had served well, it was 17 years old and had reached its use-by date.

“It will struggle in the face of our future challenges of increased population, increased community demands and the likely effects of climate change,” Dr Doolan said.

“It is time for our Governments to once again lead the way on developing a new national water policy and agree a pathway to meet these challenges.”

Associate Commissioner, Drew Collins said that in order to position Governments and communities to face these challenges, NWI needed to be modernised and strengthened.

“To this end, the report provides draft advice on modernising the NWI and strengthening its governance arrangements,” Mr Collins said.

“It identifies the major water management issues to be addressed, and the potential policy directions for a renewed NWI,” he said.

Dr Doolan said a lot had been learnt over the 17 years since the NWI was signed.

“We need to bring that experience into a renewed NWI. For example, in water accounting and compliance — to improve community confidence in water management, and in environmental management — to ensure best use of water for the environment and the community,” she said.

The Commission’s 216-page draft report can be accessed at this PS News link and written submissions will be accepted until 24 March.

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