26 September 2023

Fisheries net levy waivers from AFMA

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Fisheries levies are to waived for commercial fishers under new measures announced by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).

AFMA said the waiver would extend from now until the end of the year.

It said levy payments due on or after 1 April for Commonwealth fisheries would not be collected.

“If you have already paid a levy instalment that was due on or after 1 April, you will be contacted by AFMA shortly to organise a return of those funds,” AFMA said.

“We will progress this as quickly as possible, but this is not a simple process and we do appreciate your patience.”

AFMA said any applications for the deferments of payment for the second instalment of Commonwealth fishing levies would now not be activated under the new measures.

“AFMA’s offer to defer the second and third instalments of levies was made prior to and superseded by the Government announcement of waived levies,” the Authority said.

“You do not need to take any further action. If you have not yet made payment for a Commonwealth fishing levy invoice that was due on 1 April, you are not required to do so.”

AFMA said the waiver also applied to the Torres Strait Prawn Fishery levy.

“You are no longer required to make the levy payment,” it said.

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