26 September 2023

Firefighters warm up to match with drones

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A new team of specialist Fire and Rescue Victoria (FRV) firefighters have been geared up to make use of technology that’s revolutionising the way crews combat emergencies.

Deputy Commissioner of Strategy with FRV, Martin Braid said the new aviation unit had received four remote piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) – also known as drones – to help monitor fires, floods, marine and Hazmat incidents across the State.

Deputy Commissioner Braid said the new unit would be made up of Civil Aviation Safety Authority-qualified RPAS pilots and specialist aviation accredited personnel, including air attack supervisors and aircraft officers.

“FRV protects communities and lives right across Victoria during a range of emergency incidents including grass and bushfires,” Deputy Commissioner Braid said.

“The technology means we can monitor fires from the air, and get a much better picture of fires that are often large and complex,” he said.

“We will also continue to provide support for other Agencies right across the State using this new capability.”

Deputy Commissioner Braid said the RPAS were equipped with high definition thermal imaging and live streaming cameras to gather intelligence and would improve community and firefighter safety.

“The cutting edge technology allows Incident Controllers and fireground command personnel to make timely and informed decisions,” he said.

Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Lisa Neville said the drones represented a significant uplift in capabilities for FRV’s existing drone service because of their ability to stay in the air for up to 30 minutes and to withstand difficult wind conditions.

“Importantly, the new drones can carry both thermal and optical cameras at the same time, an advancement on existing aircraft within the RPAS fleet which can carry only one type of camera at a time,” Ms Neville said.

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