26 September 2023

Feedback wanted on island name change

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Feedback is being sought on a proposal to change the name of Fraser Island and its associated locality to K’gari, the Butchulla Peoples’ traditional name for the island.

K’gari is the name of the white spirit that was sent down from the sky by the god Beeral to help his messenger, Yindingie make the land and seas that are home to the Butchulla People.

In 2021, the name of the Fraser Island World Heritage Area was changed to K’gari (Fraser Island) World Heritage Area.

The next step is to undertake consultation to change the name of the island itself.

Minister for Resources, Scott Stewart said the island had been known as K’gari for thousands of years — “and I hope it will be formally known as K’gari for many more years to come”.

Chair of the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation, Aunty Gayle Minniecon said the reinstatement of K’gari as the island’s name had been a long time coming.

“For us it’s about respect for our people. It’s important for us to let our ancestors know that our culture is still strong and we continue to care for our country,” Aunty Minniecon said.

Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Craig Crawford said a return to the island’s traditional name would honour the Butchulla people’s culture and continued connection to country.

“On the Path to Treaty, recognising Indigenous language through proposed changes to place names like K’gari demonstrates the Government’s commitment to truth-telling and reconciliation,” Mr Crawford said.

A survey to collect people’s views can be accessed at this PS News link.

Public consultation closes on 3 October.

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