South Australians have been invited to have their say on minimum network standards for the State’s electricity network as part of a review by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).
Starting its Electricity Distribution Code review with an Issues Paper for all to see, ESCOSA said it was seeking input on areas that were likely to result in changes to the Code.
“The Code sets out consumer protections that apply to the distribution of electricity to customers in South Australia,” ESCOSA said.
“It includes customer service standards, network reliability standards and a Guaranteed Service Level (GSL) scheme,” it said.
“The review will assess the effectiveness of the Code and make changes if needed.”
ESCOSA said the review would focus on the application of the Code; the distribution of energy resources (DER); minimum standards for network reliability; and requirements for the timely repair of street lights.
“The Code may be amended to apply only to SA Power Networks, to clarify that the Code operates alongside the national framework, as it already does in practice,” it said.
ESCOSA said it would also address the duplication or inconsistency between existing Code provisions for the connection of embedded generation units as well as national and State instruments.
It said the review would also focus on considering the expectations customers have for reliability in Adelaide’s CBD and how standards would apply to Stand-Alone Power Systems.
It said it would also consider whether the Code should continue to set street light repair obligations and whether SA Power Networks should be obliged to continue making a Guaranteed Service Level (GSL) payment for delayed repairs.
Feedback will be accepted until 3 June and the Commission’s 11-page Issues Paper, including information on how to have a say, can be accessed at this PS News link.