The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has announced the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has conducted a review of casual terms used in the Australian Public Service Award, with the result that some changes have been made.
In a Circular, the APSC said the FWC was required to undertake a review of relevant terms in modern awards to identify and correct any interaction issues with the changes to casual employment that came into effect through amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 in March.
“The review specifically considered the new definition of casual employment and casual conversion arrangements,” the APSC said.
“Awards relevant to Commonwealth employment were considered in the final stage of the review when the FWC sought submissions from interested parties on the use of the term ‘irregular and intermittent’ to describe casual employment in the Australian Public Service Enterprise Award 2015,” it said.
The APSC said that as a result, a new definition of ‘casual employee’ had been added to the Award, as had the provision that the basis of engagement for an employee covered by the Award was the Public Service Act.
“Based on the FWC’s consideration of the APS Award, an existing reference to irregular and intermittent work has also been retained in the Australian Government Award,” it said.
“Casual conversion provisions are now to be included in both the APS Award and the Australian Government Award.”
APSC’s Circular 2021/07: Fair Work Commission review of casual terms in awards can be accessed at this PS News link.