The ACT Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (ICRC) has commenced its deliberations for determining retail electricity prices which will apply from July 2020 by publishing an issues paper for public comment.
The Commission said it had been asked by the Government to determine the price of electricity for small customers who purchase their electricity from ActewAGL on a standard customer contract.
It said customers who used less than 100 MWh per year could purchase their electricity under a regulated tariff from ActewAGL.
“Alternatively, these customers can choose to enter into contract arrangements either with ActewAGL or other electricity retailers licensed in the ACT,” the Commission said.
It said the issues paper described the Commission’s current pricing approach and set out issues that may be relevant to its price investigation.
It said it had also been asked to investigate whether changes were needed in the Territory to improve the transparency and comparability of electricity offers.
“This may make it easier for consumers to choose the best offer for their circumstances,” it said.
It said the issues paper invited stakeholders to make a submission before 11 October.
The Commission’s 43-page paper can be accessed at this PS News link.