The ACT Electoral Commissioner has reminded new political parties that they need to apply for registration to contest the 2020 ACT election.
The Commissioner, Damian Cantwell said new parties were required to lodge their applications with the ACT Electoral Commission by 30 June.
“Applications for new parties must be accompanied by the constitution of the party and the names of at least 100 members of the party who are on the ACT electoral roll,” Mr Cantwell said.
He said the main advantage of registration for a party was the right to list party candidates under the party’s name on ballot papers, to nominate candidates and to receive copies of the ACT electoral roll.
“However, registering as a political party also comes with obligations,” Mr Cantwell said.
“Each registered party is responsible for submitting annual returns, gift returns and electoral expenditure returns to the ACT Electoral Commissioner.”
He said the candidate nomination period for the 2020 ACT election would open on 11 September and close at noon on 23 September.
“Both party and non-party candidates must wait until this nomination period to be formally recognised as a candidate in the election,” Mr Cantwell said.
“However, there is nothing prohibiting a prospective candidate from engaging with electors well before the nomination period,” he said.
“In fact I would encourage all prospective candidates to announce his or her intention to be a candidate, and to get their message out into the electorate as early as possible so that the electors are as informed as possible before they vote in October.”
Mr Cantwell said there were currently eight political parties registered to contest the October election: Animal Justice Party, Australian Labor (ACT Branch) Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Liberal Party (ACT Division), Sustainable Australia, The ACT Greens, The Community Action Party (ACT) and The Flux Party.